personal injury/wrongful death

re-design by New Approach Computing

There are several types of Personal Injury claims. These include, but are not limited to:

Auto Accidents
Swimming or Boating Accidents
Train or Plane Accidents
Slip and Fall, or
Dangerous Product Malpractice (By a Doctor, Dentist, Lawyer, Accountant or other professional)
Slander or Libel

If the injury was caused by someone's intentional act, that may allow for punitive damages.

A Wrongful Death Lawsuit alleges that the named individual, Plaintiff, was killed as a result of the negligence (or other liability) on the part of the defendants, and that the surviving dependents or beneficiaries of the plaintiff are entitled to monetary damages as a result of the defendants conduct.

Generally immediate family members (i.e. spouses, children and parents) can pursue a wrongful death claim (although minors until 18 years of age may require a "guardian ad litem" to represent their interests in court). In addition, some states may also extend the potential group of plaintiffs to grandparents, legal dependents, or members of the extended family.